Professional Organizations
ACUA ( – We maintain membership and are actively involved with the Association of College and University Auditors to promote and enhance the professional development of auditing in the higher education sector.
IIA ( – We maintain membership and conduct our audits in accordance with the professional standards established by the Institute of Internal Auditors.
ISACA ( - We maintain membership and conduct our information systems audits in accordance with the professional standards established by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association and Foundation.
Educause ( – We participate in conferences and other forums provided by this organization in support of information technologies in education.
AICPA ( – The CAE maintains membership and is involved with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
The Chronicle ( – We subscribe to the Chronicle of Higher Education to stay abreast of emerging issues and topics in higher education.
NACUBO ( – The National Association of College and University Business Officers site is used to stay abreast of issues facing higher education.